Karin Graphics Logo
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you mention the name of the company? Of course, it is logo. It is the face of the brand and one of the most recognizable and memorable visual elements.

The purpose of the logo is to remember and convey to the audience the main message of the brand, its ideas and uniqueness. There are many techniques and methods for creating a logo, many of which turn into trends.

In this topic we will tell you what trends in logo design should pay attention in 2023 to be among the most striking and prominent companies on the market.

Gradients and 3D gradients

To be frank, the gradients have already bored many, as this is not a new trend in logos. However, their popularity does not decline: gradients are actively used in background images, decoration of websites and logos.

3D gradients have also been used in digital space recently. The three-dimensional effects, especially the conical ones, fit the central plot. The contrast between color ranges is emphasized. Conical gradients allow simple projects to be converted into complex projects.

Logos with 3D-gradient open to designers the opportunity to play with colors, to create unexpected solutions with current and simple visual appearance. And the companies themselves, it allows to stand out from the competition due to originality and sufficient freshness.

Negative Space

Among the trends of modern logos stands out the use of negative space. Yes, some may argue that this visual technique has been known for decades, but this technique is still in demand and is one of the most sustainable in design.

To create negative space used ambiguous images, intersections, unusual displays.

The main effect of such logos is that you do not notice their feature immediately. And this complexity of the image just attracts attention. You want to look at it and see what’s special about it.

Logo with negative space and successfully integrated idea provides the brand with good memory and in some cases even a sense of ownership.
Unique fonts
Surely you noticed that there is a tendency to switch logos into text format. Therefore, one of the most obvious trends in the design of the 2023 logos is the uniqueness of the font outline. After all, with standard fonts cannot go far, it is necessary to look for unique solutions.

To make the font unique use the following techniques:
  • Replacement of letters
  • Dimensional experiment
  • Perspective distortion
  • Imitation of manual writing
For several years its popularity in design does not lose minimalism. Logos are no exception.

When designing the logo, additional elements are minimized, and all attention is paid to the key points. To cause the delight of the target audience is so difficult, but the effect is usually more memorable.

Minimalist logos look advantageous in that they are perfectly read both in a small icon of the mobile application or on the avatar of the brand page in social networks, and on large advertising billboards.

By simplifying logo design, designers strive to achieve universality and the ability to stay in trend for many years.
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